The most valuable thing in this earth is TIME.
You do not have all the time in the world,
and remember that you HAVE to die: Memento Mori.
Don't give away your time in stupid things.
In this Video from Philosophies for Life shows us How to Manage Time
with the teachings from Seneca.
One tip: If you don't have time to watch the whole !6 minute video right now,
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In this video we will be talking about The 10 ways to manage time from the writings of Seneca. Seneca was a Roman statesman and a stoic philosopher, who in his moral essay, On the Shortness of Life, offers us time management tips. So here are 10 time management tips from Seneca.
01. Treat time as a commodity
02. Don’t invest your time preparing for life
03. Live life for your own self
04. Practice Premeditatio Malorum
05. Make long term rewards immediate
06. Make the most of your free time
07. Spend time reflecting on your past
08. Stop wasting time in life’s trivialities
09. Invest your time creating new memories
10. Invest your time in philosophies
Hope you enjoyed this video and find these insights on time management helpful.
Seneca was a stoic philosopher and rhetorician. He’s one of the first stoics for which there are considerable literary remains for us to study. In his moral essay, On The Shortness Of Life, Seneca gives us an urgent reminder on the non-renewability of our most important resource: our time.
Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early 3rd century BC. Even though it is over 2000 years old, more and more people are discovering how Stoicism is not only relevant to modern times, but can be applied in very simple, yet strong ways.